Conscious Parenting Review: Why You Should Take This Mindvalley Quest

The Conscious Parenting Mastery quest on Mindvalley is aimed at parents, but, ultimately, it teaches you how to be a more conscious human being. Are you up for the challenge? It’s not easy. Becoming a more conscious parent and human being requires a lot of shifts in your mindset and behaviors, and it’s going to be something that you will need to work on each day. Even Dr. Shefali Tsabary, the creator of the course, says that one day she was teaching parents how to be more conscious and then the next day she was yelling at her kid over something stupid. She says being a conscious parent is a continuous effort that you put in day after day. But, the payoffs for your effort are huge! You will be glad that you challenged yourself to disrupt the status quo and live from a more mindful place.

5 Reasons To Take The Conscious Parenting Quest On Mindvalley

conscious parenting mastery screenshot day 1

1. Understand The Truth Behind Common Parenting Myths

Each week Dr. Shefali Tsabary debunks a myth or two around parenting that you probably currently believe.  There are 7 myths in total that she talks about during this 5-week course.

I can almost guarantee that you currently believe all 7 myths on some level. I did, and I considered myself a pretty conscious person. But, after taking Conscious Parenting Mastery, I know that I wasn’t anywhere near the level I thought I was.

Some of these myths are going to really challenge you to think differently. For instance, Myth #5 is that a good parent is a loving one. How does that sit with you?

Conscious Parenting Mastery Screenshot of the start of Week 3

Dr. Shefali Tsabary explains everything very well. You will have a clear understanding of why these myths are really myths, and once you become aware of these myths, you will never be able to look at them the same again.

2. Start To Shift Your Current Parent Paradigms

The Conscious Parenting Mastery quest goes deep into these myths and Dr. Shefali Tsabary helps you discover where your old paradigms around parenting are stemming from so that you can start to make huge shits in your belief systems. In fact, 3 out of 7 days in weeks 2-5 are dedicated to shifting your current paradigms.

What’s funny is that you will probably resonate with most (if not all) of what she says, even though your belief system is different. What she talks about is so true that we can’t deny it when we hear it.

For example, she talks about how important it is to understand the feelings beneath a child’s behavior because children feel and THEN they act. I think that most of us can resonate with the fact that our children’s actions are masking a feeling, but at the moment our children are going off the deep end, it can be easy to believe that they are acting out, punishing us, or being unreasonable. When you listen to Dr. Shefali Tsabary talk about children and their feelings, you start to realize that a lot of suffering, both for the children and for the parent, can be reduced if we stop reacting to their reactions and start digging deeper into why they are reacting the way they react.

3. Change Toxic Behaviors Into Empowering Ones

control to connection screenshot conscious parenting mastery

Each week you learn a transformative skill that will help you change how you behave as a parent – and as a person in any relationship.

For instance, on Day 33 you learn how to transform control to connection. This is huge! We tend to want to control our children – and all of our relationships in some way – but it is a toxic tendency to have. It can result in blame, hurt, anger, and disconnection.

The Conscious Parenting Mastery quest is going to give you the insight and tools you need to work on letting go of toxic behaviors and embracing more conscious ways of being a parent, as well as friend, lover, co-worker, etc.

4. Dig Into Your Parent’s Parenting Skills And Find Forgiveness

The Conscious Parenting Mastery quest doesn’t just teach you how to be a more conscious parent or human being, it teaches you why your parents were the way they were and how their influence impacts who you are today.

You come out of the quest understanding whether or not your parents were coming from a place of consciousness or not (hint: they probably weren’t), and the realizations you have will help you accept what was, what is, and what will be when it comes to your parents.

In fact, you will be able to dig into all of your relationships with your new level of consciousness. This will benefit you on a level I can’t even explain. It’s powerful stuff.

Dr. Shefali Tsabary talks about how our current pain and struggles stem from childhood. And, in my experience, when you start to dig into these things and let them go, you feel lighter and more present, which is beneficial to your happiness and the happiness of your children and everyone else you interact with.

5. There’s So Much Information Packed Into This Quest

There is a lot of information covered during the quest. All those questions and concerns you have will likely be addressed during the weekly videos and during the weekly Q&As.

In fact, Dr. Shefali Tsabary is awesome during the Q&As for the Conscious Parenting Mastery quest. Every 7 days, you will have access to a Q&A call with her that answers the most pressing questions people had at the time when the webinar was live. And, I can guarantee that you are going to find these webinars valuable.

Her knowledge and ‘tell it like it is’ way of speaking had me shaking my head in understanding constantly. I’m sure people were forming all kinds of opinions about what was wrong with me at Starbucks where I spent a lot of time participating in this quest and bobbing my head up and down.

You Might Have Extra Questions After The Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest

This is one of the best and hardest quests I’ve taken on Mindvalley. It’s changed the way I see myself and every relationship in my life. But, it’s very challenging to be willing to see the unconscious part of you that is acting off old paradigms and admit that what you’ve been doing isn’t working for you.

Your questions will likely get answered during the Q&As, but if they don’t, you get access to a tribe of people on Facebook trying to become more conscious parents.

For instance, if your kid challenges you, and you do your best to practice what Dr. Shefali Tsabary has taught you but start to feel like you might be doing something wrong, you can go to the tribe and seek help or reassurance. Everyone there will have taken the Conscious Parenting Mastery quest and be able to give you wisdom or comfort.

You Don’t Need To Be A Parent To Take This Quest

If you don’t have kids yet, but you are planning to have kids, this quest is going to set you up to start parenting on a conscious level that most parents don’t ever parent from.

And if you don’t have kids and are not planning to have kids, this quest can still help you to become more conscious in all of your relationships. In fact, in almost every lesson, you are given the option to practice what you learn with someone who is closest to you if you do not have children.

I have taken a lot of courses that help you expand your awareness and become a more conscious being, and I can say that the Conscious Parenting Mastery quest is one of the best.

In fact, I think Dr. Shefali Tsabary could create a course for every facet of life in regard to being conscious. She is full of insight into what a conscious being looks like and how they act. And she explains everything in a way that anyone can understand.

This Is A 35-Day Quest With Small Bite-Sized Classes Each Day

When you sign up for the Conscious Parenting Mastery quest through Mindvalley, you won’t be able to access the content until the next start date. Note: You can find the next start date on the information page for the quest here. It should be mentioned a few times on that page.

Once the quest starts, you will get access to each day one day at a time. You can take the quest one day at a time, or you can wait for a few days to open and then pack those lessons into one day.

Mindvalley does recommend you go day by day to incorporate all the lessons and skills that you are taught, but I’ve found that there are some days in the quest that go really good together and you might want to sit down and do them all in one day to get the full scope of information around the content.

The daily videos are relatively short. They can be anywhere from 6 minutes to 20 minutes. But, every 7th day you will need to dedicate about an hour to listen to the Q&A.

Challenge Yourself To Become A More Conscious Parent And Human Being

This may be one of the most rewarding challenges you ever take on. And, it’s going to be challenging.

You will find yourself resisting some of the things that Dr. Shefali Tsabary discusses because it will be so different than what you’ve been taught to believe. But, if you do the work, you are going to discover how to relate to your child (or anyone) differently and create a strong, loving relationship that is rewarding for you and for them.

Dr. Shefali Tsabary offers a free masterclass here that you can take before you decide if you want to take the quest. You will get an introduction to her and her insights if you make the time for this masterclass.

You can also learn more about the course here, including specifics about what you will learn, including the program curriculum and the next start date.

Note: This quest is a part of the Quest All Access Pass. And, this quest costs almost the same as the pass, which offers you almost all the quests that Mindvalley is currently offering. You can read my review about how awesome the Quest All Access Pass here.

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